Megan Sieg (@belleinanotherlife)
Northern Illinois University 2014
Alpha Omega Epsilon Mu Chapter (@aoe_mu)
When I transferred to Northern Illinois University, I didn't know anyone, but that all changed during my second semester. I always knew that I wanted to go Greek because I wanted a sisterhood like my mom had with her sisters. I went through formal recruitment that fall, but I didn't get to meet all of the sororities because of conflicts with marching band, and none of the sororities I met were quite the right fit for me. The following semester, I stumbled upon Alpha Omega Epsilon, and my life changed. I gained a big sister who has become my best friend, three littles, three grand littles, two great-grand littles, one great-great grand little, and several other sisters who I can count on for anything. I became a leader and someone newer members can look up to, and I learned to embrace my quirks and inner nerd and be proud of the things that make me who I am. Because of my sisters, I found myself and became the confident, driven, and independent woman that I am today.