Showing posts with label healthy eating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy eating. Show all posts
Monday, July 25, 2016
Happy National Sundae Day with Yonanas
That moment when you realize it's National Sundae Day and you're on a diet! Well, not to fear! Yonanas is here to save our diet plan with it's amazing ice cream making product. You can make delicious, creamy, low-cost, healthy frozen treats in minutes with the Yonanas! When it comes to making a tasty ice cream treat that is healthy, substitute your base with frozen bananas. Here is a quick & easy ice cream sundae recipe courtesy of Yonanas (p.s. The Yonanas is on sale right now! Check it out here.):
1. Buy cheetah spotted bananas. Remove the peel and freeze for 24 hours.
2. Thaw the frozen bananas for 10 minutes prior to using Yonanas maker
3. Place a bowl at the open part of the Yonanas maker.
4. Turn on the Yonanas maker and insert the bananas into the chute. Push the fruit down using the plunger that comes with the Yonanas.
Walaah! You now have an "ice cream" base! Don't stop there! Add in organic chocolate syrup or even fresh raspberries or strawberries.
healthy dessert
healthy eating
ice cream
National Sundae Day
The Sorority Secrets
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
5 Foods To Keep You Hydrated
This summer has been hot, hot, HOT! Like, whoa. We are between Scottsdale and Seattle and with AZ's dry heat and Washington's lack of A/C, this summer has been brutal. But, luckily there's nothing a little hydration can't cure which is why we were so happy to have stumbled across United Healthcare's menu on some hydrating foods to quench your thirst during this summer heat. Check them out below!
Super salads. Watermelon, oranges, tomatoes, cantaloupe, berries, celery and cucumbers are all flush with fluid. These water-rich foods make great low-calorie snacks too!
Berry-delicious smoothies. Add berries — fresh or frozen — to low-fat or fat-free yogurt or milk. Puree in a blender.
Summer salsas. These can be made from vegetables, fruits or a combination of both. Enjoy your favorite variety as a snack — dip into it with cut-up veggies or whole-grain pita chips. Or top grilled fish or chicken with it. Have a sweet tooth? Give orange or pineapple salsa a try.
Chilled soups. You can serve these as a light meal — or as an appetizer or dessert. Here are three cool and soothing options:
Gazpacho. A summertime favorite that's typically rich in tomatoes, cucumber, onion, bell pepper and garlic.
Vichyssoise. This creamy French classic is made with pureed potatoes and leeks. To keep it on the healthful side, use low-fat, low-sodium chicken broth. For an even creamier soup, stir in a little plain low-fat yogurt or low-fat sour cream.
Fruit soups. Strawberries, raspberries and cantaloupe puree nicely. See "Chilled melon soup" for a recipe to try.
Frozen nibbles. Freeze grapes or berries. Grab them for a quick and cold snack.
Do you have a favorite thirst-quenching food or drink for the summer? Share with us below!
5 Foods To Keep You Hydrated
Big Sis Tips
Eat Healthy
healthy eating
The Sorority Secrets
United Healthcare
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Hungry Girl's Too-Good Tuna N Apple Slaw

Here's another healthy, Hungry Girl's recipe for you to whip up in the kitchen! Try this fun spin on an old favorite to liven up your backyard BBQ bash or sisterhood!
1 (2.6 oz.) Pouch - Albacore White Tuna in Water
2 cups dry broccoli coleslaw
1⁄3 cup chopped apple (about 1⁄2 apple)
2 Tbsp. low-fat sesame ginger dressing
1. In a medium bowl, mix coleslaw, apple and tuna.
2. Top with dressing and toss to coat.
Eat Healthy
healthy eating
Hungry Girls
The Sorority Secrets
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
10 Best Snacks For Healthy Weight Loss
Contrary to popular belief, in order to lose weight, you actually have to eat! We are huge advocates for staying fit and in shape, the healthy way. Not eating enough and essentially starving yourself while excessively working out can cause a lot of problems including putting yourself at risk for hypoglycemia. Yahoo! Stories created the perfect article on the '10 Best Snacks For Weight Loss' so we wanted to share them with you so you can make smarter eating choices as you embark on a healthy weight loss journey. Find the ten (10) snacks below as written by Yahoo! Stories!
Hunger Squasher!
Wholly Guacamole, 100-calorie pack
100 calories, 9 g fat (1.5 g sat fat), 200 mg sodium, 3 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 1 g protein
Most pre-made guacamole is lacking in one crucial ingredient: guacamole. Avocados, specifically (adios, Ortega). But Wholly Guacamole is what it says it is: real food, with no added oils, starches and artificial colors. Avocados pack in healthy monounsaturated fats that contain oleic acid, which can actually help quiet feelings of hunger. Which means this snack will actually do what afternoon snacks are intended to do: keep you full and focused until dinnertime. And Keep That Waistline Toned and Tight with These Essential 4 Ways to Lose Your Belly in 14 Days!
Waistline Melter!
MaraNatha Almond Butter, No Salt, Creamy, 2 Tbsp
190 calories, 17 g fat (1.5 g sat fat), 0 mg sodium, 4 g fiber, 2 g sugar, 7 g protein
Sure, peanut butter is cheaper, but when it comes to weight loss, almond butter is like PB on steroids. In fact, a study from the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders compared subjects on a low-fat diet with others who followed a diet richer in fat—but the fat was supplied by almonds. The almond group lost 50 percent more weight off their waistlines than the low-fat dieters, despite the fact that both groups consumed the same amount of total calories. Try smearing some over apple slices for a tasty blend of sweet and savory (bonus points if you choose a red apple over green—red fruits have higher nutrient counts).
Belly Filler!
SkinnyPop, 3 ¾ cups
150 calories, 10 g fat (1 g sat fat), 75 mg sodium, 3 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 2 g protein
Eat for size, and win the weight-loss prize. “Volumetrics” is an eating plan championed by researchers at Penn State University, and it’s based on eating foods that take up a lot of space in your gut—without a lot of calories. For example, a huge salad—or in this case, nearly 4 cups of popcorn—will leave you more satisfied than a square of chocolate, and for far fewer calories. We love SkinnyPop because it’s free of additives and tasty without being too salty. Fill up, but don’t fill out: Use These Eat This, Not That!-recommended 10 Daily Habits That Blast Belly Fat.
Fat Blocker!
KIND Caramel Almond & Sea Salt, 1 bar
200 calories, 16 g fat (3 g sat fat), 125 mg sodium, 7 g fiber, 5 g sugar, 6 g protein
The sweetness of caramel, the fat of almonds, the added sea salt—wait, this is a diet food?! Yes! KIND keeps the sugar content low while packing this bar with healthy fats, which slow the body’s absorption of sugar and carbs, keeping blood sugar levels stable and focus laser-sharp long after snack time is over. A study published in Nutrition Journal found that consuming low-sugar, high-protein snacks promotes weight loss. The reason: Healthy snacking keeps your blood-sugar from spiking, preventing hunger pangs, cravings and body fat storage.
Metabolism Turbocharger!
EPIC Grass-Fed Protein Bar, Bison, 1 bar
200 calories, 12 g fat (5 g sat fat), 220 mg sodium, 1 g fiber, 8 g sugar, 11 g protein
Okay, so maybe when you think “snack,” your first thought isn’t “Where can I get me some bison?” But buffalo is much leaner than other meats, and makes for a better jerky, especially when paired with organic spices and dried fruit. Adding low-sugar, high-protein snacks to your daily diet can help fuel weight loss efforts by boosting metabolism and reducing hunger pangs. Just be sure to choose the right protein—for example, click here to discover the shocking truth about How Tilapia Is Worse Than Bacon!
Vitamin Booster!
Fage Total 2%, 7 oz
150 calories, 4 g fat (3 g sat fat), 65 mg sodium, 0 g fiber, 8 g sugar, 20 g protein
Packed with protein, crammed with calcium, popping with probiotics, yogurt has all the makings of the best weight loss foods. But tread ye carefully in the aisle of the fermented milk products; manufacturers have a knack for cramming as much sugar and artificial ingredients into yogurt pots as they do candy bars. The next time you find yourself discombobulated in the dairy section, reach for the Fage (pronounced fa-yeh). Not just creamier and more delicious than most yogurts, the brand’s little bit of milkfat in the 2% variety allows your body to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins in the yogurt. Plus, you can’t get a much purer ingredient list than this: milk, cream and cultures.
Belly Fat Fighter!
Kashi Original 7 Grain Sea Salt Pita Crisps, 11 crisps
120 calories, 3 g fat (0 g sat fat), 180 mg sodium, 5 g fiber, 2 g sugar, 3 g protein
Pita chips sound more exotic than corn chips, so a lot of us immediately think they must be healthier, too. But step back from that snack: Most brands douse their pita in heavy oils and then roll them in sodium. Kashi’s, on the other hand, have a modest 120 calories and 180 mg sodium per serving. In astudy published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers discovered that obese participants who added whole grains to their diets lost more belly fat than those who did not. One of the key weight-loss benefits of whole grains: their healthy dose of fiber helps slow digestion, keeping you fuller longer. And to enjoy your guilty pleasures, guilt-free,Indulge in These 10 Best Junk Foods for Weight Loss.
Bloat Buster!
Eden Organic Pumpkin Seeds, ¼ cup
200 calories, 16 g fat (3 g sat fat), 100 mg sodium, 5 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 10 g protein
Not only are they loaded with protein and fiber, but pumpkin seeds are also one of the world’s best sources of magnesium, a mineral that helps strengthen bones and improve blood circulation. In addition to a generous portion of satiating protein, one ounce of the tiny seeds serves up 75 percent of your day’s magnesium, which can ward off water retention (read: no more bloated belly). The nutrient can also help relax your blood vessels, nixing deadline-induced headaches.
Calorie Burner!
Horizon Organic Mozzarella String Cheese, 1 stick
80 calories, 6 g fat (3.5 g sat fat), 200 mg sodium, 0 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 8 g protein
Each low-fat stick of this brand has a fifth of your day’s calcium intake, which means a low-fat you as well. Some researchers speculate that dairy calcium helps fight fat because it increases the “thermic effect” of eating—in other words, you burn more calories digesting calcium-rich foods than you would if you ate something with the same number of calories, but no calcium. Try a piece of pre-sliced, low-fat cheese like mozzarella or Monterey Jack with some wheat crackers, recommends Christine M. Palumbo, a Chicago-based dietician. “Cracked Pepper and Olive Oil Triscuits work great for this and have a really nice flavor,” she says. She can even help you lose weight at MickeyD’s; check out What 8 Diet Experts Eat at McDonald’s.
Chocolate Belly Melter!
Vitalicious VitaBrownie, 1 brownie
100 calories, 2 g fat (0.5 g sat fat), 105 mg sodium, 10 g fiber, 10 g sugar, 4 g protein
With VitaBrownies, you can satisfy your craving for something sweet at any time of the day without sabotaging your diet. Each chocolaty square packs 8 grams of whole grains—a dietary staple of people with the littlest middles. A Public Health Nutrition study found that participants who ate three or more servings of whole grains had 10 percent less belly fat than people who ate the same amount of calories from refined carbs (like bad-for-you brownies). When it comes to diet and snacking, being unrefined is a good thing!
Big Sis Tips
Eat Healthy
health and wellness
health tips
healthy eating
healthy snacks
healthy treats
The Sorority Secrets
Friday, February 27, 2015
What You Probably Didn't Know About Waist Trainers
With this week being National Eating Disorders Awareness week, we are very sensitive to this topic because we know how it affects not only sorority women, but all women. Body image is a heavy topic and can consume so many of us. Being skinny and looking perfect is an obsession predominately created in our own minds, influenced by the media and our surroundings. It is so important to recognize when dieting is becoming unhealthy. Recently we have been hearing a lot about waist trainers. Skeptical about its results, it was so timely that we heard from Dr. Oz on his take on the waist trainers. Click here to learn about the affects of using a waist trainer.
Diet fads are exactly just what they are...fads. They will go away eventually. Maintaining a healthy body takes discipline, healthy eating, and exercising...continuously. Crash diets, waist trainers, wraps-those are all temporary solutions that don't foster a constructive way of living in a sound body. Don't get us wrong, some mainstream diets and exercises have proven to be great, but that is because they foster a healthy lifestyle like eating paleo, doing crossfit, and doing yoga.
If you or someone you know is battling an eating disorder, we encourage you to check out the National Eating Disorders Awareness website to learn more about eating disorders, how you can tackle them, and how you can help others.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
The Secret Foods To Help Your Hair Grow Faster
1. Sweet potatoes 2. Yellow Bell Peppers 3. Salmon 4. Avocados
Stock up those foods in your refrigerator and watch your hair grow! One of our favorite Instagram accounts, @Shredz, enlightened us on these important foods to help your hair grow that we just had to share. Shredz puts it all into perspective:
Eat Salmon twice a week. The Vitamin D, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids will contribute to long healthy locks and a hydrated, nourished scalp.
Yellow bell peppers contain 5.5 times more Vitamin C than oranges which is great news for your hair because the antioxidant properties of Vitamin C strengthen hair follicles and prevent hair damage and breakage.
Sweet potatoes are packed with beta carotene, which is a precursor to Vitamin A, a nutrient known to promote hair growth and a healthy scalp.
Avocados can be eaten to gain the benefits of its healthy fats, but it can also be applied to your hair and scalp to stimulate collagen and elastic production. Apply to skin and hair for about ten minutes before thoroughly rinsing.
Big Sis Tips
Eat Healthy
Hair Growth
health and wellness
health tips
healthy eating
healthy hair
Healthy Skin
healthy snacks
The Sorority Secrets
Monday, September 15, 2014
Spicy "Cheesy" Kale Chips Recipe
Kale is all the rage! This is the perfect delicious, yet healthy snack filled with tons of flavor without gaining the extra weight! Paulding & Co. has some awesome recipes that we were happy to come across their Spicy "Cheesy" Kale Chips Recipe. It is simple to make and pretty healthy. Check out the full recipe below!
Spicy “Cheesy” Kale Chips
This recipe makes 12 oz. chips (2 one-gallon zip bags)
▪ 2 ½ cups of raw cashews
▪ 1 large (Holland type) red bell pepper
▪ 2-3 red Fresno peppers
▪ 1-2 tsp lemon juice (to taste)
▪ 2 tsp mineralized sea salt
▪ 2 Tbs. nutritional yeast
▪ 3 bunches curly kale
▪ 1 large (Holland type) red bell pepper
▪ 2-3 red Fresno peppers
▪ 1-2 tsp lemon juice (to taste)
▪ 2 tsp mineralized sea salt
▪ 2 Tbs. nutritional yeast
▪ 3 bunches curly kale
TIP: Be sure to purchase ultra-fresh organic vegetables for this. Soak the cashews in water for 3-4 hours. Combine with the stemmed and seeded peppers, lemon, salt and yeast in a blender. Puree. Taste the mixture, and if it needs it, add more salt or lemon. Strip the stems from the kale leaves-you can do this easily by holding the end of the stem in one hand, and firmly running the other hand up the sides of it, dislodging the leaf. The tough part of the stem will come off, leaving the tenderer part intact.
In a large bowl, combine the Kale with the blended mixture, using your hands (evenly) as possible distribute the mixture. Lay the leaves onto a dehydrator racks, crowding them but not stacking them. Dehydrate at 105° F for 12-16 hours, until very crisp. Store in sealed zip bags. If you don’t get them dry enough they will soften in the bag.If you don’t have a dehydrator they can be laid out on a rack or over a pan in the oven with the temperature set as low as possible. The time to dehydrate will be greatly reduced, probably to about an hour or even less.
The chips will be a tasty snack!
For more information on Paulding & Co. recipes, please visit
healthy eating
healthy snacks
Paulding & Co
Spicy Cheesy Kale Chips
The Sorority Secrets
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
How To Order Healthy When Dining Out
It's day five of your diet and you are finally realizing that you have been doing a great job with your cleanse/diet because you have been HIDING OUT. Yeah, YOU! In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is not healthy (or realistic) to stay at home in order to avoid that juicy McDonald's burger or tasty Wendy's french fries. It's okay to eat out with your friends or family; you just need to know how to pick the right things on the menu. Here are some healthy eats and tips that you can use that won't sabotage your diet:
Every menu has a salad option so instead of that juicy, 3,000+ calorie burger, opt for a decent salad. If a plain salad seems too light include some protein with your salad by asking your server to add some grilled chicken or even salmon. Include light dressing and vegetable toppings and you will surely be feeling both satisfied and guilt-free.
Is that loaf of bread and butter really needed before your meal? Often times when food is placed in front of us, we have the tendency to munch on it. Bread can be carb overkill so politely ask your server to remove the bread and butter from the table. If you really can't help yourself, munching on the wheat bread as opposed to the French bread is a healthier option.
Rice, bread, and pasta is major carb overkill. Greens and lean proteins like grilled chicken, fish, shrimp, and calamari are your friend!
While sodas, juices, and adult beverages might wash your food down better (we're not so sure it makes a difference haha) it sure does add a lot of calories to your meal. Water is your best friend when dining out--you can do no wrong gulping it down. If you're looking for an extra punch of flavor, ask to add a lemon, lime, or strawberry to your water.
If it is becoming difficult to sift through the menu, ask the server for the separate healthy menu if they have one. If not, ask the server to list the food choices that are the healthiest. There are also lots of apps out there that can count the calories in food for you so you can make a better decision on what you would like to eat.
Any way you slice it, having a healthy attitude towards food is what's most important. If you're craving something like pizza, it's totally okay to indulge once in a while. Everything in moderation is key!
Happy {healthy} eating!
Big Sis Tips
healthy eating
How To
The Sorority Secrets
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Chia Seed Pudding
Healthy meals can often times come easy for us, but it's the healthy snacks part that has been hard lately. While baby carrots, apples with peanut butter, and strawberries are all tasty snacks, we have been looking for different unique and healthy snacks to try that are easy to make at home. One of our friends introduced us to Chia Seed Pudding and we are now hooked. Chia seeds have been the latest health craze as chia seeds are like super seeds! They stop food cravings as Chia seeds absorb 9 times their weight which creates a gel as they expand. When it is in your stomach, it makes your stomach feel like it has had all the food it needs according to Dr. Oz.
So what do you need:
- Almond Milk or Hazelnut Milk
- Two tablespoons of chia seeds (whole or raw)
The directions are pretty simple...
chia seed pudding
Chia seeds
Dr. Oz
healthy eating
The Sorority Secrets
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Guilt-Free Movie Treats!
Going to the movies and snacking on yummy treats is probably our favorite part about going to the movies! From the buttery popcorn to all of the sugary candies, they're all so good, but there's actually a healthier way to do it! The list of treats above are all under 75 calories, but the most important part is that you have to portion control! What are some other yummy & healthy snacks that you like to snack on during the movies??
big sis
healthy eating
healthy snacks
healthy treats
movie theater snacks
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Easy & Healthy Shakes
I love having shakes after I
work out, as a snack, or even as a healthy dessert. These are my two favorite
recipes that were developed by a Whole Foods nutritionist. They are super easy
to make, and they taste amazing! You can add protein powder to either of these!
The Berry Vanilla Smoothie is
thick enough to be eaten like an acai bowl with granola and bananas, but you
can always drink it too! This recipe makes 2 servings, each at 110 calories.
Save some for later, or enjoy with a friend!
Recipe: Berry Vanilla Smoothie
1 cup Almond Milk (I use
Vanilla flavored)
1 tbsp vanilla (I use organic
non-alcohol vanilla)
½ to 1 cup frozen mixed
berries (a raspberry+blackberry+blueberry mix tastes best)
½ banana
1-2 cups ice
about 1 tbsp agave nectar to
sweeten, but you can always add more!
(I don’t usually do this, but
you can add ½ cup of raw dehydrated almonds as well)
Just put them all together
and blend! I love the berry-vanilla combo.
Bonus Recipe: Pumpkin Shake
1 cup almond milk
½ teaspoon of vanilla
2 squirts of stevia
½ can pumpkin
1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon of cloves
2 cups shaved ice
Place all ingredients in
blender and blend until smooth.
Almond Milk
Berry Vanilla Smoothie
healthy eating
The Sorority Secrets
TSS It girl
Monday, December 30, 2013
Why You Should "Eat Local"
Eating locally and seasonally has been given a lot of press lately, and for good reason. There are numerous benefits economically, and for your health when you eat foods that have been grown closer to home. And who doesn’t like benefits?
Better Nutritional
Content and Taste
When food is transported, it has to be harvested early and
refrigerated to keep it from going bad before it can get to it’s destination
and be sold. That means that your food
hasn’t had the time to fully develop, which means fewer nutrients, and then is
chilled, which further depletes the nutritional value. On top of that, very often produce is
irradiated to kill germs, which means it is exposed to radiation. Top that off with the use of preservatives
like wax (to keep in moisture), time on the grocery store shelves, and the
nutritional value goes down even further.
Now, don’t get it wrong, eating any fresh fruit or vegetable is good in
my book, but nutritionally speaking, locally beats out something that has been
flown in any day. And a bonus: The same
reasons that make locally grown produce nutritionally superior, makes them
taste better. Early harvesting,
transport, refrigeration, preservatives, and time all deplete the natural
flavor of produce. When fruits and
vegetables have a chance to ripen naturally, and are on your plate sooner, you
are getting the full potential of flavor!
More Cost Effective
Everyone likes money, and the less you have to spend on
groceries, the better! When you eat
locally, you are eating seasonally, which means the fruits and vegetables that
are available will be ones that grow in your area abundantly, and in line with
the laws of supply and demand, they will always cost less. Couple that with minimal transportation
(which also cuts costs), and your pocketbook will thank you.
Better for Your Body
Our bodies were designed to eat the food that grows in our
immediate environment, season to season.
Imagine an Eskimo moving to Arizona.
In a freezing environment, a diet high in animal protein and fats like
whale blubber helps to provide energy and keep body temperatures up. But if that Eskimo imported food from his
homeland instead of adjusting his diet for a warm desert environment like
Arizona, what do you think would happen?
If he continued eating the way he had in negative degree weather, his
body would most likely become overheated, and the chances of developing heart
disease or a range of other health complications sky rocket. Now, this is obviously an extreme example,
but think if you were to only consume fruit, salads, and popsicles all winter,
you would probably have a hard time staying warm due to the high water content
and the cooling nature of those foods.
On the other hand, those same foods are great in the summer to help you
stay hydrated and cool. A meal or snack
that is out of season certainly won’t do you any harm in moderation, but sticking
to the foods that grow more locally and that are in season on a consistent
basis is definitely ideal for your health.
Variety in Your Diet
When you eat seasonally, your diet tends to be more
diverse. You are literally changing with
the seasons, which means a vast array of nutrients from many different sources
throughout the year. It also helps to
keep things fresh in the kitchen, not only with fresher, tastier, more
nutritionally dense ingredients, but also with new recipes and meals, which can
help make eating healthy a fun, exciting, and easy lifestyle choice.
So grab a friend and go pick your own fruits and vegetables
at a local farm, or drop by the local farmers market and stock up on healthy,
seasonal, and delicious food choices.
Leave a comment and let us know what seasonal items are your favorites!
Alicia Holmes
Big Sis Tips
eat local
healthy eating
Friday, December 6, 2013
Energy Bites Recipe
Every time I make these bad boys I am hounded by everyone who bites into one until I send the recipe over. Every ingredient serves a purpose (besides making them taste amazing) and is uber healthy (would I post anything that wasn’t?). Bonus: They are crazy portable! So next time you need a quick pick me up before a hike, yoga, gym class, or if you just want a little bite (or two or three) of yumminess, whip some of these tasty little balls of health.
1 C dates
1/2 C honey
1 tbsp of chia seeds
1 tbsp of ground flax seeds pinch of sea salt
1 C old fashioned oats
1 C shelled pistachios
1 C dried cranberries
1⁄2 C unsweetened coconut shreds
Optional: Add 1/2 C of chocolate chips, or white chocolate chips... I’m already drooling.
1. Combine the dates, honey, chia seeds, ground flax seeds, and salt into a food processor. If you don’t have a high powered motor, soak your dates in water for about an hour first to soften them up. Blend until smooth.
2. In a large mixing bowl, combine oats, pistachios, coconut, and cranberries, add the blended ingredients and mix until evenly distributed. This might will definitely get sticky. That’s ok. I just ditch the spoon and get in there with clean hands. It is also pretty much a requirement that you eat the portions that are relentlessly sticking to your spoon and hands. For me, this is a pivotal step in creating these tasty little nuggets.
3. Put mixture in the fridge for about 20 minutes to cool (if there is any left). This will make it easier to shape into bars, balls (come on now, grow up), or whatever geometrical or non-geometrical shape you so desire. Another tip: coat hands in coconut oil before shaping.
Dates: Dates are chock full of vitamins and minerals, fiber, and are often used for a quick energy boost. Their high potassium content makes them a great addition to this snack, especially when eaten pre or post work out!
Pistachios: Are a great source of healthy fats. They are loaded with
essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that nourish your body.
Pistachios are especially great for eye, skin, and immune health.
Honey: Raw honey is a natural way to sweeten your food, and your health. It is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal, has an array of essential vitamins and minerals, and natural probiotics. Bonus: It actually works better to soothe and heal sore throats and coughs than over the counter medicine. Honey is always my sweetener of choice!
Chia Seeds: They don’t call chia seeds a superfood for nothing. These babies are extremely high in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, minerals, fiber, and protein, while also low in calories. They help to reduce inflammation, enhance cognitive function, improve cholesterol levels, and help regulate blood sugar. Bam.
Ground Flax Seeds: These low calorie seeds are packed with omega- 3’s, fiber, antioxidants, and B vitamins to help boost your immune system and keep you feeling full for hours. You can eat flax seeds in their whole form, but they are not as easily digested and absorbed as when they are ground, so make sure to either buy them ground or grind them up yourself in a coffee grinder!
Coconut Shreds: Besides providing a boost of energy, shredded coconut will provide you with an array of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, protein, and healthy fat. While some may worry about it’s fat content, the medium chain fatty acids in coconut are amazing for your health. These fatty acids can actually help you to burn more fat for a whole day after consumption, and help to reduce your appetite, helping you to stay on track more easily, as well as immediately improving cognitive function.
Honey: Raw honey is a natural way to sweeten your food, and your health. It is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal, has an array of essential vitamins and minerals, and natural probiotics. Bonus: It actually works better to soothe and heal sore throats and coughs than over the counter medicine. Honey is always my sweetener of choice!
Chia Seeds: They don’t call chia seeds a superfood for nothing. These babies are extremely high in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, minerals, fiber, and protein, while also low in calories. They help to reduce inflammation, enhance cognitive function, improve cholesterol levels, and help regulate blood sugar. Bam.
Ground Flax Seeds: These low calorie seeds are packed with omega- 3’s, fiber, antioxidants, and B vitamins to help boost your immune system and keep you feeling full for hours. You can eat flax seeds in their whole form, but they are not as easily digested and absorbed as when they are ground, so make sure to either buy them ground or grind them up yourself in a coffee grinder!
Coconut Shreds: Besides providing a boost of energy, shredded coconut will provide you with an array of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, protein, and healthy fat. While some may worry about it’s fat content, the medium chain fatty acids in coconut are amazing for your health. These fatty acids can actually help you to burn more fat for a whole day after consumption, and help to reduce your appetite, helping you to stay on track more easily, as well as immediately improving cognitive function.
Energy Bites
health and fitness
healthy eating
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Meet Alicia Our New Health & Fitness Contributor!
We have very exciting news that we just couldn't wait any longer to share with our readers- meet our new Health & Fitness contributor, Alicia! We're all about eating healthy and working out... but we're not exactly fitness experts. Alicia is the perfect addition to our team!
A few times a month, Alicia will share all of her tips & tricks on eating healthy and working out. Bonus... she even has yummy and healthy recipes in store for us too! Read her bio & interview below, and get to know Alicia personally!

Alicia Holmes is an Arizona native with an intense love
and passion for health and wellness. She
serves as a health coach, personal and group fitness instructor, a fitness
model, and has a passion for what she does.
Alicia’s thirst for knowledge about health
led her to the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. There, she became a certified health
coach, with the intention of helping to improve the quality of life for others
through nutrition and overall wellness practices.
Given her athletic background in competitive gymnastics
and cheerleading, coupled with her extensive knowledge of physical fitness and
performance, becoming a fitness trainer was a natural step for her. For the last four years, she has been training
clients on a personal level, and has recently started instructing group fitness
classes as well.
Upon meeting her, it's apparent that she
finds true joy in being able to inspire others to improve their health
and happiness. She loves sharing her knowledge of nutrition and fitness!
1. How did you get into health & fitness?
"It’s been a journey, but my dad’s cancer sparked
my interest in nutrition. I have a blog
post on that on my website. Years later
I started marketing for an organic supplement company, and also began fitness
modeling. That’s when I realized I
couldn’t quench my thirst for knowledge on anything health related."
2. How many times a week do you workout?
What do you do?
"I try to get a good work out in at least 3-4
times per week. Sometimes it’s more, and
sometimes I just don’t have the time. I
love group fitness classes though, especially bootcamp style workouts. The energy is awesome and I get such a killer
workout. For fun I also love hiking, hot
yoga, and swimming."
3. What is your go-to snack when you're in a
"Fruit, but I also try to always have my homemade
protein bars or bites handy; sometimes a girl needs a little more than a
4. You have gorgeous hair- what's your secret?
"Thank you!
I don’t really have a secret, but eating as healthy as I do does help to
grow strong, thick hair. Also not
washing it everyday if I can avoid it, which is convenient for my busy
5. What is your favorite part about working and
eating healthy?
"My favorite part about working out and eating
healthy is definitely how I feel. I
haven’t always been so healthy, I look back and it’s like night and day. I have so much energy, I feel vibrant and
alive. I hardly get sick, and I sleep
like a champ."
6. What's the worst diet you've heard of and why?
"That’s a tough question to answer. There are so many fad diets out there that
are pretty extreme. I believe in
moderation. No carbs? No fat?
95% protein? Are you kidding
7. What's 3 things you always carry around in
your purse?
"I never go anywhere without lip balm and snacks. Those two are easy. Hmmm…
Floss! I always have a travel
size floss on me."
8. What's one of your favorite workout classes?
"I really like doing Amenzone workouts, they are
really challenging, but I love that. And
the workouts are different every single time, so you never know what to
expect. Except that I will definitely be
sweating. A lot. I also really love hot yoga."
9. One food you cannot live without. Why?
"Just one?!
I feel like I have tons! Right
now I guess it would be bananas. I have
been having at least one a day lately.
But they are so tasty, and healthy.
And they are perfect before or after workouts, in my protein smoothies,
and they are so portable."
10. What do you think is key to living a healthy
"Having fun with it. If you make eating healthy and exercising fun,
it’s easy to maintain. We all like
having fun. But the second you start to
take things too seriously, it tends to all fall apart. Go hiking or make a healthy dinner with a
friend; find a way to really enjoy eating vegetables by experimenting in the
kitchen. Eat cleanly, but have a treat
now and then. Don’t sweat it if you miss one workout. It can be easy to get carried away, but if
you enjoy yourself, your meals, and your workouts, maintaining a healthy
lifestyle is easy."
Alicia Holmes
health and fitness
healthy eating
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