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Showing posts with label Marisa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marisa. Show all posts

Monday, October 14, 2013

10 Curl Commandments

If there is anyone who knows a thing or two about curls, it is our It Girl, Marisa Simone. Do you want some nice curls? Or better yet, would you like to maintain them? Well, Marisa dishes with us how to maintain perfect curly hair. Just follow her '10 Curl Commandments' and you will be ready to rock some playful curls!

1. Sleep on a satin pillow case
  • It will reduce dryness and breakage and hold some of the moisture in.
2. Detangle to protect your perfect mane
  • Use a wide tooth comb; never a brush.
3. Limit heat use on your hair
  • Heat pulls out moisture from curls, makes them dry and shapeless. 
4. Shampoo less
  • It is not necessary to shampoo your hair every day, try for every other day. 
5. Condition, condition, condition!
  • The curlier the hair, the longer it takes for natural oils to travel from the scalp to the ends. 
6. Style when wet
  • The tamest your hair will ever be is when it is wet. You will have much more control.
7. Read the ingredients of the products you use
  • Limit products with alcohol in them to avoid that crunchy, ramen noodle look!
8. Leave it alone!
  • Towel or blow drying can cause a bigger mess then just letting your hair dry naturally.
9. Make sure to diffuse 
  • If you must blow dry always use a diffuser, the regular nozzle changes your curl pattern. 
10. Love your hair no matter what!
  • We always want what we can’t have, so just think about all the girls out there pining for luscious, curly locks!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Spirit Jersey Craze

Summer has finally come to a close and sorority girls all around the country are looking forward to the upcoming fall semester that is quickly approaching! One of my favorite things to do right before I go back, is stock up on new fall clothes that I can show off all semester while walking around campus. One particular item that has hit the sorority (and non sorority) world by storm is the extremely popular SPIRIT JERSEY! This trend started out in the south and then made its way up north and across the country! By now, just about everyone has heard of these shirt/sweatshirt combination tops! The spirit jersey is perfect for fall because it is not as heavy as a sweatshirt but it can still keep you warm on those chilly October days. They come in a variety of different colors and can be personalized on the back with almost anything that you ask the Spirit Football Jersey company to put on it. What a great way to represent your school, sorority or even town. Amazing way to also get your sorority name out there to upcoming freshman--think recruitment! 

Typically worn with shorts or leggings, these tops are perfect for lounging around or even going to class if you are having a lazy day. It is funny to walk around campus and see the sea of girls in different colored jerseys walking around! To check out the different color and sizing options Spirit Football Jersey has, here is their website: Spirit Football Jersey. Or you can check out their Facebook page which has tons of amazing pictures that girls have taken with them on: Spirit Football Jersey !

Even one of our friends here at The Sorority Secrets, Sarah Belle, did a vlog on how Spirit Football Jersey actually made her her own version of one! You can watch the vlog on it here!

Look out for spirit jerseys across your campus this fall! 

Monday, August 5, 2013

It Girl Trend Report: Summer Vacation

As summer starts to come to a close, we wanted to highlight some of our It Girls favorite summer vacations they took this season. All of our It Girls are college girls excited for the fall semester ahead, but they made sure to take full advantage of their break away from the books. Avery, like our Co Founder, Ali, has a deep love and appreciation for Coronado Island in California. Avery explained that, "It is just NOT summer to me unless I go to Coronado Island in California. I have gone every single summer without fail for the 4th of July since I was a kid. There is just NOTHING better than kicking back at The Del pool, ordering a club sandwhich and people watching until your eyeballs fall out. Coronado is like taking a peak into decades past and I love the simplicity and hospitality of the quaint little town. It's hands down the best".   Victoria decided to keep it local this summer break and had fun exploring her own city, specifically the famous Public Market in downtown Seattle. Victoria shared that,"I love Pike Place (not Pike's; that's how we pick out tourists!!), and whether it is throughout the school year or over break, you can find me there relaxing enjoying the slowed pace of the city, and enjoying fresh vibrant colored flowers, the pier, Great Wheel, and from certain angles, the Space Needle. It's a great escape and an activity I always love to take part in. I can grab coffee at the first Starbucks Coffee, watch flying fish, and wander the shops. No matter what the occasion, if any, I will always grab myself a beautiful bouquet of flowers! Summer trips to Pike Place Market are hands down THE BEST". Cristina wasted no time getting to the beach and enjoyed some time with her family in Cabo, one of Co Founder Karen's favorite vacation spots as well! Cristina said, "I love laying out on the beach and just relaxing!"--sometimes that is all you need, right?!, Allie's favorite vacation spot was all the way on the East Coast. She made additions to her closet by shopping at the original Vineyard Vines on Martha's Vineyard--we love it! Serena is a California girl, but she passed up the California beaches to catch some waves in beautiful Hawaii. Serena swam in the ocean many of the days which was great because she had some pretty beach hair waves to show off while there!

Have you gone anywhere exciting so far this summer? We would love to hear so leave us a comment below!

Monday, April 1, 2013

TSS It Girl Interns!

They come from all across the USA. Different sororities, different universities. After searching high and low, we have selected our official It Girls for Spring/Summer 2013! We are so excited to share more about our It Girl team, and have our readers get to know each of them. One thing is for sure, each one of these girls is a very special part of the TSS family!

In case you were wondering, what exactly are It Girls? Well, they are representatives & interns of TSS... each with an eye for fashion, beauty, current trends, and a love for their sorority. They keep us up to date with what's happening in their city and on their campus. Sort of like our very own trend reporting team! It Girls, we are so lucky to have each and every one of you! 

Lots of features to come, showing off what these fabulous ladies have to offer. Think you have what it takes to be an It Girl? Keep an eye out... our team might be growing very soon! 
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