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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Bye, Bye Makeup

Even though we have been doing makeup for ever, we can honestly say that we have no idea when it's time to let go of our favorite makeup products. Is it just us or do you just love your makeup so much that you want to hold onto it forever?! Well, holding onto old makeup forever is no bueno so it's time to tell that makeup "bye, bye"!'s a little sorority secret: if you want to know when to throw away any of your makeup, be sure to hold onto the original box you got it from. Why? At the back or bottom of the box there is an area that says a number and then months. That is an indication of how long you should hold onto your makeup before it's no good! We know, mind blown!

Save the makeup expiration guide that we personally created above just for you so you never have old makeup in your makeup bag, ever!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Core Values of a Strong Big/Little Relationship

[image source 1,2,3]

You may or may not already have your Big/Little yet, but you'll see that there are those Big & Littles that are extremely close, and there are those that aren't after a month- well, there's a reason for that. Big/Little relationships are like a real relationship- it takes dedication, effort, and communication!  If you're about to get your Big/Little or if you already have yours, it's never too late to start working on it. Your Big/Little can really change your college & sorority life experience in a positive way, so put all the effort and build a strong relationship!

Through our experience, we wanted to provide you with some important core values of a strong Big/Little relationship to follow!

1. Be Approachable
This applies to everything and anything.  We're not telling you guys to be BFFs, but always be each other's go-tos for everything!  Whether you need someone to go get fro-yo with or you need some help/guidance, it's always great to make yourself approachable to one another.

2. No Hierarchy, Bigs!
We see a lot of ups & downs when Bigs' feel entitled to things!  It's always good to respect one another and treat each other equally- those are the ones that last the longest :)

3. Make Each Other Feel Included
It's important to always make one another feel included in whatever it is that you are doing.  If it's a birthday trip, invite your Big/Little! If you're getting together before a date dash, invite her to come over! Whatever it is, it's always nice to make one another feel included so the relationship stays strong and no one feels left out!

4. Be each other's #1 FAN!
Be proud to be one another's Big/Little!  Always be each other's #1 fan and cheer each other on everything.

These are 4 important core values that every strong Big/Little relationship has.  What are some other things that you can think of?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

5 Yoga Workouts For Beginners

We just love yoga! It is so calming and relaxing and really helps us to get centered. We are total beginners and really wanted to get some yoga beginners basics so we reached out to Kelsey Lawrence, Arizona Yoga Instructor and an Alpha Chi Omega Alumnae, to show us the ropes. Kelsey shares just how to do each beginner's yoga workout. Whether it's doing yoga at a studio, on the beach, or in the comfort of your home, you can take yoga just about anywhere with these easy workouts. Thanks for sharing, Kelsey!

Cat Cow (Chakravakasana)

  1. Begin in tabletop position, hands under shoulders and knees under hips. 
  2. Inhale and arch your back. Leading forward with your heart (not your head), shoulders on your back and chin tucked. Press down through your hands and feel your heart opening. Keep your shoulders relaxed, opened, and broadened. 
  3. Exhale and round your back like a cat. Tucking your chin in towards your chest and exhaling all of the air out of your lungs. 
  4. Repeat 5 times on your breath. 

This pose is extremely beneficial for back pain. It moves your hips and spine and squeezes out the kidneys. When leading with your heart, feel the expansiveness and opening of new possibilities!

Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

  1. Begin in tabletop position. 
  2. It is important in this pose to angle your hands in the right angle in order to protect your shoulders. 
  3. On your mat, widen your arms to where your pinky fingers are touching the edge of the mat. Make sure your pointer fingers are pointing forward. 
  4. On your next exhale tuck your toes and push back, raising your seat into the air with your feet hip distance apart. Push back through your hips while being mindful not to hyper-extend your straight arms. 
  5. Try and turn your shoulders out ward. 
  6. Ground your heals into your mat and if not, bending the knees is a beautiful way to practice this pose, especially if you have tight hamstrings. 
  7. It allows pressure to be taken off the hamstrings and lower back and you are able to sink deeper into the posture. 
  8. Breath here for 5 breath’s. Long inhale and extended exhale. 
This pose relives stiffness in the heels, strengths ankles and legs. The abdominal muscles are drawn towards the spine and the head relaxes and drops down, allowing the heart rate to slow. This is a very exhilarating pose and brings energy to your body. If you are feeling tired or groggy during the day, drop everything and get into down ward dog or some sort of inversion. The energizing benefits from this asana help to sustain energy and is much more valuable to your health compared to sugary energy drinks.

Warrior B (Virabhadrasana B)

  1. Begin by standing on your mat; exhale and step your left leg behind you about 4 feet. Have your right toes facing forward and your left back foot angled about 45 degrees. 
  2. Bend into your right leg; keep your knee over your ankle and breath. 
  3. The outside of your back foot should be pressed into the floor and feel grounded. 
  4. Feel the strength of your legs and the beautiful earth supporting you. 
  5. Engage your abdomen, tuck the sacrum down, and try keeping the right knee over the ankle, not letting it dip inward or outward. 
  6. Breathe here as long as you feel comfortable or for 3 breaths keeping your gaze at your right hand. 
  7. Straighten your right leg; bring your left to meet the right and switch sides! 

This is a very powerful pose. You are toning your quads and hamstrings as well as your core. It also prepares you for other challenging yoga poses. Mentally focus on the path you want to be on. Find strength in grounding in the earth and that energy will guide you. A beautiful mantra for this pose might be: There is no path to peace, peace is the path.

Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

  1. Begin on your back. Tuck your chin a little into your chest and breath. 
  2. Tuck your pelvis under and bring the insides of your feet together and slowly move your legs closer to your body until you feel a stretch in your hips. 
  3. Rest your arms beside you palms up to receive energy. 
  4. Your legs will look like they are in the shape of a butterfly. If the sensation is too much, you can place a blanket under each of your knees for support. 
  5. Lie here and breathe into your hips for 5 deep breaths. 
Hip openers are so important because we hold so much of our tension in our hips. There are issues in our tissues! When you consciously focus on expanding into that tight area you are not only stretching the fascia you are consciously letting go of anxiety, and who doesn’t want that!! Focus on your breath in this pose and if it hurts you can always back out of it. However, I challenge you to breath through the pain and notice how quickly it subsides and how good it feels.

Childs Pose (Balasana)

  1. Time to rest. Begin in tabletop position. 
  2. Bring feet together and widen your knees open so that you are able to bring your buttocks towards your feet. Exhale and slowly rest your torso over your thighs so your forehead touches the mat. 
  3. Extend your arms forward and breath. Another variation for this pose is to keep your arms bent or relax them next to you on your sides. 
  4. Close your eyes and lengthen your breath for a deeper form of relaxation. 
  5. Breathe here for 5 breaths and enjoy the stretch into the back of the torso 

This pose helps relieve stress and anxiety, as well as helps with dizziness and fatigue. Flexes the body’s internal organs and keeps them supple, and lengthens and stretches the spine. It normalizes circulation throughout the body and calms the body and mind.

Enjoy these poses and I hope they bring you peace, love and beauty to your life.


Monday, October 12, 2015

5 Things To Cut Every Month To Save Money

Spending money is easy, but saving money can be just as easy if you actually take a look at your statement every month.  As you take a look at your statement, you'll realize that you're spending a lot of money on silly little things that you can easily cut out of your life to put that money into your savings.  One thing we've learned as we've graduated from school is how important it is to have money in your savings, so we thought we'd put together a list for you all so you can start putting money in your bank!

1. Getting Your Nails Done
You can save easily close to $100 every month if you didn't get your nails professionally done.  We learned to do our nails ourselves and really it's allowed us to save a whole lot of money every month.  If you can't do your own nails, have a nail party and have your girlfriend do it for you!

2. Eating Out
You probably spend way more than you think on eating out- this is something that adds up fast!  Every social gathering typically is around eating out and when you socialize a lot, especially in the sorority world you end up paying a lot on food.  Be mindful of it next time and perhaps pack up food before you had to campus!

3. Those Starbucks Drinks!
Okay, similar to #2, but we all love our coffee!  If you think about it, you can easily make coffee at home, but you go to a coffee shop and spend at least $3 on a cup of coffee.  If you do the math, if you get coffee 5 times a week every month that's $60 (or more) that you can be saving a month!  

4. Subscription Based Products/Businesses
Those subscription based businesses are doing well for a reason, girls! We all spend $10 here and there on subscription based businesses like Birch Box and forget that money is actually being taken out of our account every month automatically for these packages we get every month!  

5. iTunes
So iTunes is great because you can download any music you want and download and watch any TV show or movie, but don't forget that your bank account is linked up and it can easily add up!  If you're buying and downloading TV shows or movies that you're just going to watch once, why not just pay a small fee and pay for Hulu+ or Netflix instead?

Again, it's so easy to spend money, so think about what you're really spending money on and if it is ABSOLUTELY necessary.  You can easily be saving $200-300 a month just by the things we listed above.  What are some other things that you can be saving money on?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Fall Nail Colors to Have

Fall is here and what are we most excited for about it?! Fall nail polish colors, of course!  Nail polish colors are very seasonal and they also change every year- burgundy has been trendy these last couple of years, but you'll be seeing a lot more camel & coppers this year.  The camel shade is great because it's a little more neutral and goes with everything, but if you're really trying to stand out then copper is your color.

We're also currently obsessing over matte nails, but matte top coats are a hit or miss.  We've tested it and it's amazing- try Essie's "Matte About You" finisher!  It will dry your nails in a giffy and give you that perfect matte finish on any color you desire.

What are some of your favorite fall colors you see this year?!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Gifts For Your Little

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

We know that Big/Little Reveal is around the corner for a lot of you ladies so we decided to do a little shopping for you to help you choose the absolute cutest gifts for your Little. For those who don't know what Big/Little Reveal is (or Mom/Dot (Daughter)) it is when an active member gets paired with an initiated member based on best fit. It is common throughout the years of being in your sorority to do functions with your Little and really bond with them. For Big/Little Reveal gifts, it is 100% about personalization, which is why we really loved this Acrylic Block Letter Monogram Necklace from BaubleBar. You can each have matching ones!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Best Face Primer...Ever!

Hey ladies {and maybe a few gents!}! We have searched high and low for the best face primer and we really were having limited luck. Then, of course our amazing friends at Sephora put us on to the best face primer, like EVER. If you want to have your face matte, oil-free, and smooth as a baby's bottom then you have got to get your hands on Mister Mat Mattifying Foundation Primer from Givenchy. Co Founder, Karen lives for this product and has experienced nothing but compliments on her face makeup since she has been using it. She loves it because it has a gel-like balm feel to it. It also glides over the skin like a soft, powdery halo with a velvety finish that keeps the complexion perfected and shine-free. Try it out and let us know what you think!
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